I want to take a moment to write heartfelt thank you for all you have done for me with my rental assistance!

I am a partially disabled senior gentleman who has always been proud to be self-sufficient until not being able to pay my rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency and possibly having to leave my apartment.

When you first received my call, I was frantic, frightened, alone and hopeless.

Your professionalism, compassion and determination to help me prevailed to the point where I could cope and move forward in a positive way. You took time to listen and hear me and genuinely care about my unforeseen situation.

You are an exceptional example as a frontline contact representative of the Goodman Jewish Family Services which clearly welcomes all people.

When our everyday lives return to some familiarity, I look forward to meeting you and your colleagues to thank you in person and to perhaps volunteer and give of my time to assist in some way.

I shall also thank God for my blessings as I say my daily prayers and ask him to send blessings your way.