Nina - KAVOD

Emergency Needs Addressed

  • Medical
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Emergency Homecare
  • Home Repair
  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Essential Home Needs
  • Food
  • Emergency PPE and Delivery

Call Us for More Info


Holocaust Survivor Assistance Program

KAVOD SHEF – Emergency Aid to Holocaust Survivors

There are approximately 80,000 Holocaust Survivors in the United States — here and across the US at least 30% of Survivors live at or below the poverty level. The support these Survivors receive does not allow them to afford what is needed to live a dignified life. Many are choosing between heat or food, medicine or rent. In response, Seed the Dream Foundation partnered with KAVOD in 2019 to establish the KAVOD Survivors of the Holocaust Emergency Fund (SHEF) to address these unmet needs. Over $15 million in aid has been allocated since then.

How KAVOD SHEF works

KAVOD SHEF is a collective communal response that multiplies the dollars and critical services reaching Holocaust Survivors. The Joseph Gringlas KAVOD SHEF National Fund creates a 1:1 match with all local community partners across the country. 100% of these funds directly address the unmet, increasing needs of Survivors.

KAVOD SHEF at home

  • This national matching initiative has resulted in over 45,000 emergency requests filled since 2019
  • Our community is one of 34 KAVOD SHEF partners working to raise awareness and respond to unmet needs
  • We work with KAVOD SHEF to identify our Holocaust Survivor’s greatest needs, and serve Survivors wherever they are

Call 954-370-2140 with any questions.


Ways to Help

Make a Donation

Make a Donation



Attend an Event

Attend an Event

Monthly Donor

Become a Monthly Donor

Corporate Partnership

Corporate Partnership

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Affiliated Agencies

Jewish Federation
United Way of Broward County
Claims Conference
Federal Ministry of Finance on the basis of a decision of the Bundestag
Jewish Family Homecare