The holiday season is a unique blend of joy, reflection, and connection. From work festivities to family gatherings, this time of year can evoke a range of emotions. While some experience the season with excitement and hope, others may find themselves grappling with feelings of sadness, stress, or loneliness. At Goodman Jewish Family Services, we understand the complexities of these emotions and want to offer support to those seeking solace during the holiday season.

  1. Acknowledging Your Emotions:
    • It’s okay to feel a mix of emotions during the holidays – from the joy of celebrations to the weight of stress.
    • It’s important to recognize and accept your feelings, as this is the first step toward understanding and managing them.
  2. Navigating Through the Season:
    • While the holiday season may feel all-encompassing, it’s important to remember that it’s a temporary period. The stress and emotions you’re experiencing will ebb away as the season passes, allowing for a fresh start in the coming year.
    • Take time to practice self-care and give yourself permission to engage in grounding activities as needed, such as:
      • Taking three deep, calming breaths.
      • Focusing on what you can see/smell/hear/taste/feel in your environment
  3. Self-Care Strategies:
    • It’s important to take time for yourself amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Allow yourself the space to relax and recharge, whatever that may look like for you.
    • Self-care looks different for everyone, but some activities may include:
      • Going for a walk.
      • Placing your favorite uplifting quote where you can see it daily and reading it out loud each time you look at it.
      • Setting healthy boundaries.
      • Engaging in creative outlets like journaling or drawing.
      • Listening to songs that encourage you to belt out your emotions.
  4. Reaching Out for Support:
    • Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can bring relief and strengthen your connections during the holiday season.
    • Connecting with a friend, family member, or colleague through a call, text, or FaceTime can be beneficial for both of you.
    • If you do not have someone in your life you feel comfortable sharing your feelings with, consider seeking a professional for support.
  5. Goodman Jewish Family Services as a Supportive Resource:
    • If you find that your emotions are overwhelming, The Jeff Masarek Behavioral Health Center of Goodman JFS is here to offer ongoing support both during and after the holidays. Our experienced counselors provide a compassionate space to discuss your feelings and navigate the holiday season. Call us at 954-909-0888 to take the courageous first step toward seeking help.

Remember that your emotions are valid and you are not alone. Take time for self-care, connect with loved ones, and if needed, seek professional support. Goodman Jewish Family Services is here for you, offering a caring and understanding environment. Call us at 954-909-0888 to take the first step towards prioritizing your mental well-being.

If you are considering suicide, immediately seek help by calling the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988.

For LGBTQ+ suicide prevention support, call the Trevor Helpline at 1-800-850-8078.